Tacoma Water Conservation

Water conservation is not just a buzzword, but a necessity in today’s world. The reality is we are using up our water resources faster than they can be recharged. This means without effective conservation measures, our future could be a dry one. In this article, we’ll explore water conservation efforts in Tacoma, the methods employed and their effectiveness, and how residents can play a part in the process.

Why is Water Conservation Important?

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, only about 0.3% of earth’s total water is available as fresh water and most of it makes our groundwater reservoirs. Thus, it’s crucial to use this precious resource with great care [^1^].

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Efforts

In Tacoma, the awareness of water conservation has long been prioritized. The city of Tacoma’s water utility, Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU), has taken considerable steps to ensure wise water usage. The broad strategy involves public education, adoption of water-saving technologies, and promotion of water-smart landscapes.

TPU provides various resources and programs to help customers save water. Their proactive approach has seen a significant reduction of water usage in Tacoma over the past two decades, even with substantial population growth [^2^].

Water-Saving Technologies

The advent of water-saving technologies have made it possible to use less water without sacrificing comfort or utility. For instance, high-efficiency toilets, water-saving showerheads, and faucet aerators can significantly reduce household water usage.

The Tacoma Water’s Rebate Program offers incentives to customers who install water-saving toilets, washing machines, and smart irrigation devices. Such initiatives aid in reducing water consumption at a residential level [^3^].

Water-Smart Landscapes

Outdoor water use is a significant factor driving demand for water during summer. Tacoma Water encourages creating water-smart landscapes. This essentially involves choosing drought-resistant plants and practicing efficient watering techniques that reduce the need for water. Mulching, which improves soil water retention, is another promoted method.

The Role of Residents in Water Conservation

Every single one of us plays a critical role in ensuring the sustainability of our water resources. Here are a few simple yet effective water conservation practices residents can adopt:

  1. Fix Leaks: A small leak can waste more than 10,000 gallons of water a year. Fixing leaks in your home can save a substantial amount of water.
  2. Use a Dishwasher: Contrary to what many believe, hand-washing dishes uses more water than dishwashers. Modern dishwashers use less water and energy.
  3. Water Plants in the Morning or Evening: Watering plants when the temperature is cooler reduces evaporation.
  4. Limit Shower Duration: Those few extra minutes in the shower can add up to many gallons of water.


The city of Tacoma, with its progressive water conservation efforts, has made significant strides towards the judicious usage of water. However, these efforts alone are not enough. It requires the active participation of every individual to truly make a difference.

Remember, every drop you save today ensures water for our future generations. Let’s commit to conserving our valuable water resources.

[^1^]: The Water in You: Water and the Human Body
[^2^]: Tacoma Water
[^3^]: Rebate Programs – Tacoma Public Utilities

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