Tacoma Green River Watershed

As a resident of Tacoma or a passerby, you’ve probably heard about the Tacoma Green River Watershed, but do you really know what it is or why it’s so important to our city? Today, we are going to take a closer understanding of this key part and soul of our municipality, appreciate its value and understand why we all need to take part in its conservation.

The What and The Why

The Green River Watershed is a vast land area where all water that’s under it or drains off it goes into the same place – the Green-Duwamish River system[^1^]. This is the key source of water supply that quenches the thirst of Tacoma and its surrounding regions. Over two-thirds of Tacoma’s drinking water is pure, naturally filtered groundwater from a wellfield in the Green River Watershed[^2^].

Isn’t that impressive? But perhaps, the significance of the Tacoma Green River Watershed goes beyond being our city’s water reservoir. The watershed is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including multiple species of salmon and trout, and provides critical habitat for several endangered species.

Conservation Comes into Play

Now, we know that the Green River Watershed is a major lifeline of Tacoma, and therefore, its conservation is critical. Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) has been taking the lead in this conservation effort, not just to ensure a steady supply of water for its consumers, but also for the preservation of the habitat.

In recent decades, TPU has been implementing watershed management plans and measures such as monitoring water quality, limiting access to certain areas to prevent contamination and collaborating with other environmental agencies. Their efforts are significant in preserving the watershed for current and future generations.

Your Role in the Preservation

While TPU is at the forefront of the conservation efforts, as residents of Tacoma, we all have a part to play. You may ask, “But how can I make any significant impact?” Small efforts when done collectively yield significant results. Simple actions such as mindful usage of water, proper waste disposal, and participating in local cleanup programs can contribute greatly to the cause[^3^].

Every drop saved contributes to less strain on our water resources. Similarly, pollutants that we prevent from trickling into our groundwater helps maintain the health of the watershed. Our small actions, collectively, make a big difference!


The Tacoma Green River Watershed is more than just our city’s water source. It’s a habitat teeming with life, a place that quite literally fuels our homes and industries, and a silent testament to nature’s wonder right in our backyard. The next time you take a sip of water from your tap, know that it’s not just H2O you are consuming. It’s a sip of the journey that began in the tranquil expanse of the Green River Watershed, flowed its way to our city, and reached your home in pristine purity.

And remember, it’s not just up to public utilities like TPU to protect this resource. It’s up to every single one of us. Every small action, every drop saved, counts towards the preservation and sustainability of our Tacoma Green River Watershed.

[^1^]: King County. Green River Watershed Management
[^2^]: Tacoma Public Utilities. Our Water Source
[^3^]: Tacoma Water Conservation. How to Help

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