Tacoma Water Conservation

As often as we turn on the tap, pour a glass of water, or enjoy a long relaxing shower, we rarely stop to consider how privileged we are to have access to safe, clean water at any given moment. The city of Tacoma, Washington, takes water conservation very seriously to ensure that this privilege is preserved for the citizens, animals, and plants that depend on this vital resource.

Water conservation refers to the careful use and preservation of water resources to ensure that future generations continue to have access to clean water. Water conservation is a critical aspect of Tacoma Public Utilities’ responsibility to the public. Their diverse range of programs are all geared towards implementing strategies to strike a balance between present and future water needs.

Importance of Water Conservation in Tacoma

Water conservation is not just about saving water; it’s also about protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future for our generations to come. The average person in Tacoma uses about 60 gallons of water per day, which adds up to more than 21 million gallons annually[^1^]. This means that Tacoma is tied to a continuous cycle of purifying, distributing, and purifying water again. Not only does this process require substantial financial investment, but it also uses significant amounts of energy and results in carbon emissions — all things that Tacoma is working hard to reduce.

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Initiatives

Tacoma Public Utilities offers several programs and initiatives to help residents and businesses use water more efficiently. These programs allow everyone to play a role in conserving water, assisting in ensuring a sustainable water supply for a growing population without harming the environment.

Rebate Programs

Tacoma Public Utilities provides a rebate program for both residential and commercial properties. These programs offer economic incentives for the replacement of inefficient toilets, washing machines, and irrigation systems with water-saving devices[^2^].

Public Education

Tacoma Public Utilities prioritizes educating its customers regarding water use, conservation and resources. The utility regularly hosts workshops and seminars and sends out educational materials and kits, aiming to educate customers about the environmental and monetary benefits of water conservation.

Water Efficiency Assessments

For large water users, Tacoma Public Utilities offers free onsite efficiency assessments. These assessments identify where and how water is being used and provide recommendations and strategies to save water and lower utility costs[^3^].

Landscape Irrigation Efficiency

Tacoma Public Utilities encourages residents to employ water-efficient landscaping strategies like xeriscaping, which focuses on using native, drought-resistant plants in conjunction with efficient irrigation practices.

How Can You Help?

Tacoma residents can significantly conserve water by adopting simple water-saving methods. These include:

  • Installing low-flow showerheads and dual-flush or low-flow toilets.
  • Regularly checking and repairing leaks.
  • Watering gardens during the cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation.
  • Using a rain barrel to collect rainwater for outdoor watering.
  • Only running the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.


Water is not just another resource. It is a prerequisite for life and plays a pivotal role in our surroundings, economy, and everyday lifestyle. With this in mind, water conservation strategies are a necessity. The city of Tacoma understands this and continues to advance its efforts. As a community, we too must participate. From minor behavioral changes to significant home improvements that conserve water, every little effort matters.

Join the city of Tacoma in conserving water, our most precious natural resource. Making a conscious effort to reduce your water usage can make a significant difference to our environment and future generations’ ability to access clean, safe water.

[^1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities
[^2^]: City of Tacoma Environmental Services
[^3^]: Tacoma Water Efficiency Programs

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