Tacoma Water Conservation

Water is a precious resource, and in a world where climate change threatens its availability and quality, nothing could be more important than conserving it. The city of Tacoma, located within the beautiful Pacific Northwest, understands this importance well. Tacoma Water (1) is making significant efforts towards water conservation, determined to prove that small changes can lead to big differences.

The Importance of Water Conservation

Water conservation is not just about saving water – it’s about ensuring a sustainable lifestyle, protecting the environment, and preserving the natural habitat. It is our responsibility to ensure future generations inherit a world where water is readily available and of good quality.

Conserving water reduces the effects of drought and water shortages. Even though our region has plenty of rainfall, these measures protect our water reservoirs from depleting. Conservation also helps us preserve some of the state’s precious resources such as Howard Hanson Dam and the Green River Watershed, keeping our natural landscape healthy and vibrant.

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Efforts

Tacoma has undertaken various initiatives to encourage water conservation. The city encourages residents to use water-saving devices such as high-efficiency toilets and clothes washers and even offers rebates for their installation (2). They also recommend watering lawns during the cooler parts of the day and shorter showers to save significant amounts of water.

Moreover, it is the first city in Washington state to develop a program encouraging rain garden installations. Rain gardens are a beautiful and natural way of using and conserving rainwater, that helps reduce storm-water runoff and protecting our precious Puget Sound (3).

Tacoma Water also incentives commercial and industrial water users to incorporate water-saving strategies into their businesses. This includes the Smart Irrigation Program for large landscapes and rebates on water-efficient machinery and equipment.

What Can Residents Do?

There are many steps every Tacoma resident can take to conserve water. Good habits include:

  • Turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Using a broom to clean driveways, sidewalks, and steps rather than hosing them off.
  • Only running your dishwasher and clothes washer with full loads.
  • Checking their homes for leaks as even small ones can waste large amounts of water.

Installing high-efficiency appliances and fixtures such as washing machines, toilets, and showerheads can also significantly reduce a house’s water usage. Tacoma Water provides rebates and assistance to customers who install such appliances.

What about Businesses?

Businesses, too, can play an essential part in water conservation. Water-saving practices not only help the environment but can significantly reduce a company’s water and energy bills.

They can implement a variety of water-saving measures, including:

  • Fixing leaks immediately.
  • Installing water-efficient fixtures and appliances.
  • Reducing the water used in industrial processes.
  • Encouraging employees to follow water-saving practices.


Water conservation is everyone’s responsibility – not just as Tacoma citizens but as global citizens. Remember, every drop counts! As a city, Tacoma is proud to lead by example, driving the state forward in water conservation. By being mindful of how we use water and taking steps to reduce wastage, we can ensure water stays affordable, our city remains sustainable, and our environment protected.

1. Tacoma Water
2. Residential Water Rebates, City of Tacoma
3. Rain Gardens, City of Tacoma

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