Tacoma Green River Watershed: A Jewel in the Northwest

The Tacoma Green River Watershed is a cornerstone of nature and a critical part of our drinking water infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest. It’s an essential resource that provides high-quality water to people in Tacoma and the surrounding area. This article will explore its importance, preservation efforts, and how it serves our community.

What is the Tacoma Green River Watershed?

Located in King County in Washington State, the Green River Watershed is a 226 square-mile basin that contributes clean, natural, unfiltered water to the Greater Seattle and Tacoma regions[^1^]. Also known as Tacoma Water’s primary water source, the watershed runs from the Cascade Mountains’ slopes down to the Tacoma water treatment facility. The Green River, after which the watershed is named, dominates this area and culminates in the Howard A. Hanson Dam’s reservoir.

Importance of the Green River Watershed

The Green River Watershed stands as one of the most critical resources for Tacoma’s water supply. Every day, it ensures the delivery of clean and safe drinking water for more than 300,000 customers in Tacoma and the nearby areas[^2^]. The average daily supply is about 40 million gallons, spiking up to 60 million gallons during summer.

Its importance is deeply rooted in its ability to maintain the balance in our local ecosystem. The watershed is home to various wildlife, such as deer, elk, black bear, and Pacific salmon, contributing significantly to the area’s biodiversity.

Safeguarding the Watershed

The area of the Green River Watershed is strictly controlled to protect this precious resource from pollution or any harmful substances. The watershed itself acts as a natural filter, purifying the water that flows through it. Moreover, the Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) takes vigilant efforts in looking after the water quality and quantity of the watershed.

TPU’s daily testing ensures that the water from the Green River meets all safety standards set by local, state, and federal regulations[^3^]. Additionally, constant monitoring of potential sources of contamination and swift action helps in safeguarding the health of the watershed.

Community Connection

The watershed serves as a life source for the community, connecting the people of Tacoma to nature in an extraordinary way. It’s not merely a source of drinking water, but also a symbol of our shared responsibility towards nature.

Educational programs about the watershed are provided by the TPU for school children and adults to increase awareness about the importance of protecting the watershed. It also fosters a sense of community as the people of Tacoma work together to ensure the continued health of this invaluable natural resource.


Nestled in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, the Tacoma Green River Watershed truly is a jewel that demands our protection and care. It highlights the symbiotic relationship between humans and the environment, providing us with essential resources while housing a diverse range of wildlife. By valuing and protecting this treasure, we fulfill our duty of ensuring clean drinking water for future generations and the continued thriving of the local environment.

Ultimately, the Tacoma Green River Watershed is more than just a water source. It’s a testament to how we rely on nature while simultaneously impacting it. Let’s make a continued effort to preserve it and learn from its importance in our lives.

Let’s keep our jewel sparkling.

[^1^]: Green River Watershed
[^2^]: “Green River Watershed,” TPU Water
[^3^]: Water Quality in Tacoma

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Tacoma Water Conservation

Water is among the most essential resources in our day-to-day lives. It is vital not just for our sustenance but also for various domestic and industrial applications. In Tacoma, like many parts of the world, water conservation is a critical concern. After all, balanced water consumption creates a healthier environment, reduces the strain on municipal water supply, and can potentially decrease your utility bills. So today, we will be talking about Tacoma water conservation, the importance it holds, and the significant strategies residents can adopt.

Importance of Water Conservation in Tacoma

Why should Tacoma citizens bother conserving water? To start, it’s crucial to understand that freshwater is limited. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, just 2.5% of the world’s water is fresh, and only 1% is accessible[^1^]. Rapid population growth and urbanization increase the demand for this sparse resource, and without proper conservation measures, we could be looking at a disastrous water shortage.

Moreover, conserving water also means preserving the local environment. Tacoma gets a significant share of its drinking water from the Green River watershed[^2^]. Overuse of this water can disrupt the local ecosystem because aquatic life and surrounding vegetation depend on it. The health of a watershed directly impacts the quality of the water it provides.

Lastly, water utility bills add up. When you conserve water, you save money. Tacoma Public Utilities reports the average household uses 70,000 gallons per year[^3^]. But with simple water-saving tactics like fixing leaks and installing efficient appliances, families can lower their usage rate—and their utility payments.

Practical Water Conservation Strategies

Now that we’ve established why water conservation matters, let’s look at some straightforward strategies that Tacoma residents can adopt to make a genuine impact.

Update Your Fixtures and Appliances: Older residential homes often feature outdated fixtures and appliances that use more water than necessary. Consider replacing showerheads, toilets, and washing machines with newer, water-efficient models. You’ll be astonished at how much water—and money—you can save!

Fix Leaky Taps: Even a small drip can result in a ton of water waste over time. Make sure to regularly check your faucets and pipes for any leaks, and fix them promptly.

Landscape Wisely: Tacoman summers can be dry, and a lot of the city’s water usage goes towards law watering. To mitigate this, try using native plants that require less water, investing in a drip irrigation system, and watering your lawns in the cool parts of the day to minimize evaporation.

Educate, Engage, and Encourage: Conservation can be a community effort. Sharing information and strategies with friends, neighbors, and local businesses can have a much broader impact on overall water usage.

Keep Tacoma Water Efficient

Tacoma Water offers various programs to encourage and assist with water conservation efforts[^3^]. These include rebate programs, free water-saving kits, and resources for leak detection and repair. It’s worthwhile for homeowners to explore these options and take advantage of available help.

Practiced consistently and collectively, the above strategies can bring about significant water savings, reducing the pressure on Tacoma’s water resources. Tacoma water conservation ensures that future generations can enjoy the quality water and the beautiful local environment to which we are accustomed. So let us all do our part in conserving water and securing the future.

For more queries or interests on this topic, reach out to Tacoma Water’s customer care service or check their online page for water-saving resources. Let’s not let every drop count — Let’s make every drop count!

[^1^]: The World’s Water
[^2^]: Tacoma Green River Watershed
[^3^]: Tacoma Public Utilities: Water Efficiency

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Tacoma Water Conservation

Water conservation is not just a buzzword, but a necessity in today’s world. The reality is we are using up our water resources faster than they can be recharged. This means without effective conservation measures, our future could be a dry one. In this article, we’ll explore water conservation efforts in Tacoma, the methods employed and their effectiveness, and how residents can play a part in the process.

Why is Water Conservation Important?

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, only about 0.3% of earth’s total water is available as fresh water and most of it makes our groundwater reservoirs. Thus, it’s crucial to use this precious resource with great care [^1^].

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Efforts

In Tacoma, the awareness of water conservation has long been prioritized. The city of Tacoma’s water utility, Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU), has taken considerable steps to ensure wise water usage. The broad strategy involves public education, adoption of water-saving technologies, and promotion of water-smart landscapes.

TPU provides various resources and programs to help customers save water. Their proactive approach has seen a significant reduction of water usage in Tacoma over the past two decades, even with substantial population growth [^2^].

Water-Saving Technologies

The advent of water-saving technologies have made it possible to use less water without sacrificing comfort or utility. For instance, high-efficiency toilets, water-saving showerheads, and faucet aerators can significantly reduce household water usage.

The Tacoma Water’s Rebate Program offers incentives to customers who install water-saving toilets, washing machines, and smart irrigation devices. Such initiatives aid in reducing water consumption at a residential level [^3^].

Water-Smart Landscapes

Outdoor water use is a significant factor driving demand for water during summer. Tacoma Water encourages creating water-smart landscapes. This essentially involves choosing drought-resistant plants and practicing efficient watering techniques that reduce the need for water. Mulching, which improves soil water retention, is another promoted method.

The Role of Residents in Water Conservation

Every single one of us plays a critical role in ensuring the sustainability of our water resources. Here are a few simple yet effective water conservation practices residents can adopt:

  1. Fix Leaks: A small leak can waste more than 10,000 gallons of water a year. Fixing leaks in your home can save a substantial amount of water.
  2. Use a Dishwasher: Contrary to what many believe, hand-washing dishes uses more water than dishwashers. Modern dishwashers use less water and energy.
  3. Water Plants in the Morning or Evening: Watering plants when the temperature is cooler reduces evaporation.
  4. Limit Shower Duration: Those few extra minutes in the shower can add up to many gallons of water.


The city of Tacoma, with its progressive water conservation efforts, has made significant strides towards the judicious usage of water. However, these efforts alone are not enough. It requires the active participation of every individual to truly make a difference.

Remember, every drop you save today ensures water for our future generations. Let’s commit to conserving our valuable water resources.

[^1^]: The Water in You: Water and the Human Body
[^2^]: Tacoma Water
[^3^]: Rebate Programs – Tacoma Public Utilities

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title: “Tacoma Water Conservation”

Tacoma Water Conservation

Water is our planet’s most invaluable resource – a universal essential devoid of any conceivable substitute. Essential to our daily lives, supporting health, commerce, and the environment, water availability for these aspects is not something we should take for granted. Today, let’s focus on Tacoma, a beautiful city located in Washington state, and delve into the necessity of water conservation efforts in this city.

Why is Water Conservation in Tacoma So Important?

Firstly, we must acknowledge that the city of Tacoma is fortunate to have a high quality water supply from the Green River Watershed[^1^]. Yet, regardless of the provision, the city is continually growing, and with that, the need for water consumption increases. Acknowledging the importance of water conservation in Tacoma helps to ensure this robust supply is sustained for future generations.

Tacoma Public Utilities reports that Tacoma residents use an average of about 65 gallons of water per person per day[^2^], a figure slightly lower than the national average. Despite this commendable figure, water conservation initiatives are essential to promote responsible and efficient use of our natural resources– particularly when you consider that Tacoma’s comprehensive environmental stewardship ethos has been, and continues to be, a leading example in the country.

Practical Ways to Conserve Water in Tacoma

Water conservation isn’t necessarily about using less – it’s about wasting less. It concerns the careful usage, harnessing the maximum output from the minimum input. And yes, every drop counts!

Residential Water Conservation

Tacoma residents can do lots to conserve water at home. Simple modifications such as replacing older, high-flow bathroom fixtures with new, water-efficient ones, can lead to significant savings in water consumption. Tacoma Public Utilities even offers rebates to customers who make these types of improvements[^2^].

Gardening is another area for potential improvements. Choosing drought-resistant plants native to the Northwest can significantly reduce the amount of water required for gardening. The City of Tacoma’s EnviroHouse offers excellent free workshops on sustainable gardening and landscaping techniques[^3^].

Commercial & Industrial Water Conservation

Commercial and industrial entities contribute to a substantial proportion of the city’s water use. Hence, they have an essential role in water conservation. Options can include recycling or reusing water in manufacturing processes, updating appliances to energy efficient models, and regularly checking for leaks in the system.

The city offers various incentive programs, including a commercial conservation water rates structure to encourage these businesses to install high-efficiency fixtures and equipment[^2^].

Community Engagement

Water conservation is a communal effort, and education plays a crucial role in achieving our goal. Schools, local groups, and community centers are key players in this effort. They can assist in promoting awareness of the importance of water conservation and the simple changes every resident can make to contribute to water conservation efforts.

Tacoma Water and the City of Tacoma often host public outreach events and provide information about water conservation. They also sponsor projects, programs, and curriculum development for schools to encourage education and action in water conservation[^2^].

Moving Forward

Tacoma’s dedication to water conservation is ever-expanding. It is encouraging to see the emphasis put forth by both residents and businesses, underlining the importance of this cause not just for the present but for generations to come.

So, whether you’re a resident, a business owner, a school student, or a visitor – remember that every drop you save contributes to something much larger. Your participation is vital in Tacoma’s water conservation movement, ensuring a water-secure future. Let’s get started today!

[^1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities, “Where Our Water Comes From,”

[^2^]: Tacoma Public Utilities, “Water Conservation Really Matters,”

[^3^]: City of Tacoma, “EnviroHouse Workshop Series,”

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Tacoma Water Treatment

Every city and town across the globe has a complex infrastructure in place that allows citizens to access clean, safe water right from their taps. In Tacoma, this immense responsibility is taken care of by Tacoma Public Utilities which manages the city’s water treatment facilities. Seattle’s nearby sister city, Tacoma, Washington, offers an illustrative case study of how a city handles its water treatment. After all, water is a life-sustaining resource – fundamental to community health, economic prosperity, and quality of life.

The Source of Tacoma’s Water

Tacoma’s primary water source is the Green River. The water is captured upstream of the Howard Hanson Dam in the Green River Watershed, an area that is federally protected to ensure the quality of the water[^1^].

It’s a notable fact that Tacoma, unlike many other cities, has a gravity-fed system, which means the flow of fresh water from its source to the treatment plant doesn’t require costly mechanical pumping. As soon as the water reaches the secondary storage at the utility’s North End, the system starts utilizing energy for pumping.

Water Treatment Process

The Tacoma Central Treatment Plant facility sees around 40 million gallons of water every day, from where it’s treated, tested and dispatched to households, businesses and fire hydrants throughout the region[^2^].

The treatment process itself is a multi-step plan. Initially, the raw, untreated water undergoes coagulation, where chemicals cause smaller particles to clump together and form larger particles that can be removed more easily. After the coagulation process, the water is sent to sedimentation basins where the heavy particles settle down. Then, the water goes through a filtration system, in which each filter has a layer of anthracite coal, fine sand, coarse sand, and gravel. This is intended to remove any remaining particles and pathogens disease-causing organisms.

Post-filtration, the water is disinfected using ultraviolet light (UV) which inactivates any residual pathogens. Finally, a small amount of chlorine is added again to ensure the water remains safe as it travels through the distribution system to your tap.

Quality Assurance and Regulations

Tacoma Water works hard to secure that the water quality exceeds local, state, and federal standards. They regularly test the water for over 100 substances to ensure we maintain high safety standards[^3^].

Their lab technicians conduct around 35,000 water tests each year, checking everything from turbidity to bacterial content. Regulations for drinking water come from the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington State Department of Health, and Tacoma Water meets or exceeds all of them, keeping Tacoma’s water among the highest quality in the nation.

Investing in Infrastructure

Treatment processes and water quality assurances are, however, just part of the larger picture. The integrity of a city’s water treatment system is also equally important. Tacoma Public Utilities is dedicated towards maintaining and improving water infrastructure. By implementing infrastructure renewal strategies, modern technologies for leak detection, cross-connection control and more, Tacoma Water is walking the extra mile to ensure the reliability of its water delivery system.


It’s easy to take the blessing of clean tap water for granted, but behind every water drop lies an elaborate process of treatment, testing and trial. With Tacoma Public Utilities’ commitment to quality and safety of the water supply, we can feel confident every time we open our taps.

So the next time you take a sip from your tap remember the efforts taken to turn the Green river water into the pure, safe, and refreshing water it becomes when it reaches you.

[^1^]: Tacoma Water. (2020). About our water. Tacoma Public Utilities. https://www.mytpu.org/water/about-our-water/
[^2^]: Tacoma Public Utilities. (2020). Tacoma Water Quality Report, 2020 https://www.mytpu.org/file_viewer.aspx?id=20503
[^3^]: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2020). Drinking water regulations. EPA. https://www.epa.gov/regulations

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Tacoma Water Quality

Tacoma Water is an organization that takes seriously its responsibility to provide safe and reliable water to the residents of Tacoma. We all know that water is key to life, and in a city like Tacoma, where rivers, sounds, and rain are part of our identity, it’s particularly significant. With that in mind, I want to take a moment to pamper the excellent quality of Tacoma’s water and the incredible efforts made to maintain and exceed regulatory standards.

How Tacoma Ensures Water Quality

Tacoma Water operates on a simple principle – your water should be safe to drink, always. To ensure this, they follow a stringent quality assurance process that includes frequent testing and continuous monitoring [^1^].

Their primary water source is the Green River Watershed, a mostly untapped and protected area in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. In addition, they maintain five underground wells to supplement the supply during peak usage periods.

In the interest of transparency, Tacoma Water publishes annual drink water quality reports detailing the results of various contaminants tested throughout the year. These reports consistently show that Tacoma Water meets or exceeds all federal and state drinking water standards.

The Green Standards

Apart from the conventional approach and technologies, Tacoma Water has embraced some innovative methods to monitor and improve the quality of water. They use real-time monitoring of the Green River Watershed, paired with advanced statistical modeling, to predict the natural events that could affect the water quality [^2^].

Tacoma Water also partners with other regional utilities and the University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group to study the long-term effects of climate change on the water supply. They advocate for watershed protection and participate in extensive research to analyze and improve the ecosystem services that a healthy watershed provides.

Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control

Tacoma Water emphasizes the importance of backflow prevention and cross-connection control [^3^]. Their Cross-Connection Control (CCC) program is an integral part of the water quality safeguard. Cross-connections between water pipes and possible sources of contamination can occur anywhere, and backflow occurs when water flows backward into the public water system, potentially carrying contaminants.

Tacoma Water’s CCC program ensures that proper protection measures are in place, and backflow assemblies are tested annually to prevent any possible contamination of the water supply.

Community Involvement

What I find most inspiring about Tacoma Water’s approach to water quality is their community involvement. They offer tips to residents on how to maintain the water quality that arrives at their faucets by preventing plumbing cross-connections and running water for a minute or two if the tap hasn’t been used for several hours. Educating customers and getting them to participate in maintaining water quality ensures everyone is committed to the process.


Affordable, safe, and reliable drinking water is a necessity, one that we often take for granted. But behind our tap is a remarkable infrastructure dedicated to delivering clean, safe water to us every day. I hope the next time you fill your glass, you’ll, in agreement, say “Here’s to Tacoma Water!” and celebrate the efforts made by this organization to never compromise on quality.


[^1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities

[^2^]: Green River Water Quality.

[^3^]: Backflow prevention

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Tacoma Water Conservation

As often as we turn on the tap, pour a glass of water, or enjoy a long relaxing shower, we rarely stop to consider how privileged we are to have access to safe, clean water at any given moment. The city of Tacoma, Washington, takes water conservation very seriously to ensure that this privilege is preserved for the citizens, animals, and plants that depend on this vital resource.

Water conservation refers to the careful use and preservation of water resources to ensure that future generations continue to have access to clean water. Water conservation is a critical aspect of Tacoma Public Utilities’ responsibility to the public. Their diverse range of programs are all geared towards implementing strategies to strike a balance between present and future water needs.

Importance of Water Conservation in Tacoma

Water conservation is not just about saving water; it’s also about protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future for our generations to come. The average person in Tacoma uses about 60 gallons of water per day, which adds up to more than 21 million gallons annually[^1^]. This means that Tacoma is tied to a continuous cycle of purifying, distributing, and purifying water again. Not only does this process require substantial financial investment, but it also uses significant amounts of energy and results in carbon emissions — all things that Tacoma is working hard to reduce.

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Initiatives

Tacoma Public Utilities offers several programs and initiatives to help residents and businesses use water more efficiently. These programs allow everyone to play a role in conserving water, assisting in ensuring a sustainable water supply for a growing population without harming the environment.

Rebate Programs

Tacoma Public Utilities provides a rebate program for both residential and commercial properties. These programs offer economic incentives for the replacement of inefficient toilets, washing machines, and irrigation systems with water-saving devices[^2^].

Public Education

Tacoma Public Utilities prioritizes educating its customers regarding water use, conservation and resources. The utility regularly hosts workshops and seminars and sends out educational materials and kits, aiming to educate customers about the environmental and monetary benefits of water conservation.

Water Efficiency Assessments

For large water users, Tacoma Public Utilities offers free onsite efficiency assessments. These assessments identify where and how water is being used and provide recommendations and strategies to save water and lower utility costs[^3^].

Landscape Irrigation Efficiency

Tacoma Public Utilities encourages residents to employ water-efficient landscaping strategies like xeriscaping, which focuses on using native, drought-resistant plants in conjunction with efficient irrigation practices.

How Can You Help?

Tacoma residents can significantly conserve water by adopting simple water-saving methods. These include:

  • Installing low-flow showerheads and dual-flush or low-flow toilets.
  • Regularly checking and repairing leaks.
  • Watering gardens during the cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation.
  • Using a rain barrel to collect rainwater for outdoor watering.
  • Only running the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.


Water is not just another resource. It is a prerequisite for life and plays a pivotal role in our surroundings, economy, and everyday lifestyle. With this in mind, water conservation strategies are a necessity. The city of Tacoma understands this and continues to advance its efforts. As a community, we too must participate. From minor behavioral changes to significant home improvements that conserve water, every little effort matters.

Join the city of Tacoma in conserving water, our most precious natural resource. Making a conscious effort to reduce your water usage can make a significant difference to our environment and future generations’ ability to access clean, safe water.

[^1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities
[^2^]: City of Tacoma Environmental Services
[^3^]: Tacoma Water Efficiency Programs

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Tacoma Water Conservation: A Closer Look

In the city of Tacoma in Washington State, nestled between the breathtaking views of Puget Sound and majestic Mount Rainier, the residents are well aware of the significance of water conservation. With the growing concern for environmental sustainability and climate change, the term “Tacoma Water Conservation” is gaining considerable attention. Let’s delve into the importance of water conservation in Tacoma and the strategic steps taken by the city’s public utilities to preserve this all-important resource.

Understanding the Necessity of Water Conservation

Water is a precious resource, and quite frankly, we can’t survive without it. While Earth is often advertised as the Blue Planet, with over 70% of its surface covered by water, it’s important to understand that a mere 0.3% of the world’s total water is available for human consumption[^1^]. As the Tacoma area grows in population, managing water in an efficient and sustainable way is vital for supporting long-term growth and protecting the environment.

Tacoma Public Utilities realized this early on and stressed the significance of water conservation before it became a global concern. The Tacoma Water department has developed comprehensive water conservation programs offering education, technical assistance, and financial incentives to both residential and commercial customers to help them use water wisely.

How Tacoma is Making a Difference

In Tacoma, continuous efforts are underway to optimize water use. One impressive program is the promotion of water-conservation landscaping, also known as xeriscaping. It promotes the use of native and drought-tolerant plants to reduce outdoor water usage, without compromising the aesthetic appeal of the landscapes.

Additionally, the city offers rebate programs for installing water-saving appliances and fixtures. These include high-efficiency washing machines, toilets, and rain barrels, encouraging Tacoma residents and businesses to reduce water consumption[^2^].

Tacoma Water Conservation has extended its efforts to the industrial sector as well. Industries are evaluated individually, and solutions ranging from retrofitting equipment to modifying production processes are suggested to reduce water use. It not only decreases water usage but also results in significant cost savings due to reduced bills.

Education: A Key Component

Tacoma Public Utilities understands that the road to water conservation starts with education. Hence, the utilities body involves students and adults in workshops and presentations that cover various aspects of water usage, conservation, and waste reduction. They provide materials, resources, and even classroom presentations to spread awareness regarding this critical issue.

Involving students also ensures a future population that is well educated about water conservation[^3^]. The kids taking part in these activities become the conscience keepers of society- reminding adults about changing their habits to save water.

Tacoma Public Utilities sponsors the Annual Water Conservation Poster Contest where students showcase their understanding of water conservation through creative artwork. This not only sparks their interest in the subject but also encourages the entire community to reflect on their water habits.


While water conservation might seem like a small drop in the ocean, remember that every single drop counts. Through education, initiative, and proactive measures like rebates and efficient water use programs, Tacoma Water Conservation is taking big steps towards a sustainable world.

It is our responsibility as residents of this beautiful city to learn from these programs and adopt habits that promote the conservation of water. After all, the preservation of our water resources is a shared responsibility, and together, we can make a significant difference.

The next time you turn on your tap, pause for a moment and think about how you can make every drop count. That means being conscious of the water you use and waste, and taking action, however small it may seem, to conserve. Every drop saved helps ensure a sustainable and resilient future for Tacoma, and for the world.

[^1^]: USGS Water Science School
[^2^]: City of Tacoma’s Official Website
[^3^]: Tacoma Public Utilities Education Programs

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Tacoma Green River Watershed: A Magical and Essential Resource

Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast who yearns for the unique blend of tranquility and thrill, or a Tacoma resident simply enamored with the ecological beauty, the Tacoma Green River Watershed offers unforgettable sights and experiences. It not only enhances our connection with nature but ensures the sustainability of Tacoma’s water supply. The watershed’s importance is expansive, encompassing essential water resource management, habitat protection, and public health protection.

What Exactly is the Tacoma Green River Watershed?

Tacoma Green River Watershed is the primary water source for the city of Tacoma in the state of Washington. Nestled within the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, it spans a vast area of 226 square miles, supplying clean, fresh, and high-quality water from the Green River to Tacoma’s lively communities. It is managed by Tacoma Water, a division of Tacoma Public Utilities[^1^].

The Significance of Protecting the Watershed

Protection of the Tacoma Green River Watershed is of prime importance because it provides 60% of the yearly drinking water needs of Tacoma and neighboring cities, serving over 300,000 people[^2^]. Tacoma’s conservation efforts ensure clean, safe, and reliable water for households, businesses, hospitals, schools, and fire protection. They also play a crucial role in preserving healthy ecosystems that are home to various species of wildlife.

Unveiling the Magic of the Watershed

The Watershed comes alive with a rich array of biodiversity including Washington’s state bird, the “American Goldfinch,” the enchanting Bald Eagle, and an array of other captivating species such as elk, black bear, coyote, bobcat, and river otter. Its old-growth forests provide vital shade and cool temperatures for the habitat of fish, particularly the Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead.

Moreover, Tacoma Green River Watershed boasts majestic views – one can witness the sublime sight of the Green River meandering through enchanting landscapes and tumbling down the waterfalls. Unfortunately, for protection reasons, public access to the Watershed is not allowed[^1^].

Tacoma’s Stewardship Commitment

What’s commendable about Tacoma Water is their exceptional commitment to resource management. The utility has invested over $253 million in the past five decades to ensure the purity of Tacoma’s water source, by safeguarding the watershed lands, and to invest in continual monitoring and control measures for the water supply[^3^].

Tacoma Water is also actively involved in restoration projects, including efforts to revamp the Chinook salmon population and increase accessibility for spawning salmon. Their long-term vision is to ensure the sustainability of the Tacoma water supply, while preserving the natural, untouched beauty of the watershed.

The Importance of Community Participation

While the stewards with Tacoma Water are doing an excellent job of maintaining and protecting our watershed, the onus of preserving this vital resource also rests with us, the Tacoman’s. We can contribute by being conscientious water consumers, adopting water-efficient practices, and supporting conservation measures.

As we engage in this collective effort, we safeguard not only our water supply but also the stunning natural environment gifted to us. Let’s do our part to ensure that future generations of Tacoma can also enjoy the rich legacy of clean water and healthy ecosystems.

The Tacoma Green River Watershed is truly a magical and essential resource, one that cements Tacoma’s relationship with the environment, while emphasizing the crucial aspect of water sustainability. Its preservation symbolizes a commitment to public health, ecological balance, and the legacy we leave behind for future generations.

So, the next time you take a sip of water in Tacoma, spare a moment to appreciate the essence of the sublime and serene Tacoma Green River Watershed that contributes to that refreshing drink!

[^1^]: Tacoma Water
[^2^]: Green River Watershed
[^3^]: City of Tacoma

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Tacoma Public Utilities Water

As a resident or business owner in Tacoma, you may have come across the term “Tacoma Public Utilities Water”, but have you ever really thought about what it entails? Let’s dive into this vital resource, exploring its journey to our taps and significant impact on our daily lives. This article serves as your guide to understanding Tacoma Public Utilities Water – unraveling its sourcing, treatment, quality, and supply to the Tacoma community.

The Water Source

Tacoma Public Utilities sources the majority of its drinking water from the Green River Watershed, a 226-square mile area located about 40 miles southeast of Tacoma[^1^]. This pristine resource sits in the Tacoma Water Service Area, boasting top-tier purity levels that meet or surpass Tacoma drinking water regulations.

Water Treatment Process

After sourcing, the water goes through an extensive treatment process at the Green River Filtration Facility. This facility, opened in 2015, is designed to filter out any potential contaminants, ensuring the water meets the high Washington State and federal water quality standards[^2^].

However, Tacoma Public Utilities doesn’t stop there. To continue ensuring safe, reliable, and clean water to its customers, they routinely test the water for over 100 different substances in their state-certified lab. The thorough dedication to treating and testing the supply means that Tacoma residents can trust the quality of their tap water.

Supply Chain

From the treatment facility, Tacoma Public Utilities then distributes this water to approximately 318,000 people within the City of Tacoma and several neighboring areas – including University Place, Ruston, portions of Fife and Lakewood, and unincorporated Pierce County[^1^]. The multitude of areas served represents the broad extent to which the Tacoma water distribution system operates.

Quality Assurance

The process of quality assurance doesn’t end at the treatment facility; Tacoma Public Utilities has robust systems in place, such as the Tacoma water leak detection and Tacoma water main repairs. These features aim to prevent water losses through leaks, thereby preserving the resource and ensuring continuous, efficient supply to customers.

Additionally, they employ backflow prevention and cross-connection control measures further to guard against contamination of the water supply[^3^]. This strict adherence to high operational standards is part of what puts Tacoma Public Utilities Water a notch higher than the rest.

Customer Service: A Cornerstone of Operations

Placing customer service at the heart of its operations, Tacoma Public Utilities has provisions for both Tacoma residential water services and Tacoma commercial water services. The utility further offers online bill pay and outage reporting, creating a seamless experience for their customers.

Furthermore, Tacoma Public Utilities champions conservation initiatives, helping residents and businesses maximize efficiency in their water usage. This commitment to sustainability highlights the utility’s responsibility towards preserving our shared environmental resources.

In conclusion, Tacoma Public Utilities Water is an essential part of daily life for residents and businesses within Tacoma and its environs. It is a service operating with dedication to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. By appreciating the work that goes into delivering this essential service, we can better appreciate and utilize this extraordinary resource.

So, the next time you turn on your tap, remember there’s much more to the water flowing than meets the eye – a touch of nature, a sprinkle of science, a dash of dedication, and a sprinkle of Tacoma Public Utilities ingenuity!

[^1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Source and Treatment, https://www.mytpu.org/water/water-source-treatment/
[^2^]: City of Tacoma, Green River Filtration Facility, https://www.cityoftacoma.org/government/city_departments/environmentalservices/surface_water/green_river_program/filtration_project/
[^3^]: Tacoma Public Utilities, Protecting Your Drinking Water From Contamination, https://www.mytpu.org/water/cross-connection-control/

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